Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Year - New Scope

Planning for the new year has almost come to an end....
First, Joe will be home again. He'll start out on our curriculum and then as a position opens with Connections Academy - he'll be transferred to their distance learning High School program. Until the position at Connections is available - Joe will be doing Saxon Algebra I, Advanced English I, and Japanese with me. His father will be teaching his World History and Science course in a survey of research topics type method. We are also exploring the possibilities of signing him up for JROTC.
TJ will have a more traditional schooling experience this year as I'm purchasing school supplies from McGraw-Hill, Harcourt, and Scott Foresman. He'll have mathematics, science, US History & Social Studies, and writing through major text books. For reading, I'm assembling a reading library from various reading lists found online (some examples are: Homecoming, Holes, Roald Dahl books, Shiloh, the Just So Stories, etc.). We'll be working through these books together - some in a question/answer type format and some in a book report fashion. I found some great curriculum for his writing that will hopefully improve it dramatically!
Both kids will be highly involved in the local homeschooling community as I'm now on the board and am their Updates! (e-newsletter) coordinator. And all three kids are going to have to learn to be more accountable for their own care and for helping around the house. Both boys will have HomeEc as an elective (well - I suppose it's not an elective if Mom is making them do it! LOL!). I also hope to be able to offer them one or two extra courses/learning experiences (i.e. Drama for TJ or Guitar for Joe).

So with the greatest of intentions.... :)


  1. Sounds like you guys will be very busy this school year! And I think it's fabulous that the boys will be having a HomeEc Class. :) When will their school year start?

  2. Good luck with the new year's curriculum! Busy, busy, busy..... I know Joe and TJ can do a good job. Home ec is a great idea. (I see Aunt Holly and Uncle Adam think so, too. Maybe Uncle Adam can talk to you guys about cake baking......)

  3. I wish it let me know when there's comments - lol! Our school year will start on Wed. September 8th. If you guys want access to our gradebook again let me know (Linda - it's the same as last years - only hopefully there will be no accidents to throw us off on updating it!). Also - there's been a change and Joey will be attending Houghton Schools after all - provided he does a LOT better this year!

  4. You can set it up so it will send you an email when someone posts a comment.
