Monday, September 6, 2010

Last Minute Changes

Nothing like last minute changes! Joey will be attending Houghton Schools again. Over the last few weeks he's matured and he came up with compelling reasons why we should send him back. Also, Trevor and I talked about the benefits of him being able to participate in the swim team and TJ being able to participate in activities without me having to figure out what to do with Joe so that he's still learning. TJ really wants to do gymnastics, chess club, drama, swimming and other activities - some of which would not be age appropriate/interest appropriate for Joe. Sooooooo.... provided Joe maintains a C or better average and has no disciplinary issues and tries out for the swim team AND speaks to the school counselor about ROTC.... he'll be in public school.

So - once again - it will be a busy year for our family!

1 comment:

  1. To get comment notifications via email, go to "new post," click on the setting tab, click on comments. Down toward the bottom there is a place where you can type in an email address. I like that feature because then I don't feel like I have to check the blog all the time to see if anyone said anything!

    Nothing like MAJOR last minute changes for the school year! Hopefully Joe will be able to keep up his end of the bargain and does well in school. Sounds like TJ will be a very busy boy will all of his activities.
