Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sept 16th

Today was an excellent day! In the morning we did Language Arts, Reading, Math & Spelling. Then we did Social Studies and multiplication review on the way to Canyon Falls where we went on a couple hour hike with members of the homeschooling group. It was beautiful and TJ had a lot of fun. The kids climbed, ran, jumped, splashed, collected water and plant samples and just really enjoyed the whole outing! I only got one photo with my phone (my camera's dead :( ) and it turned out fuzzy but a couple of the other Moms got some pictures so maybe I'll get copies to post on here.


  1. Sounds fun! It's nice that you guys go on field trips like that. :)

  2. Enjoy those field trips! Believe it or not, I've never been to Quincy Mine and only been to Canyon Falls once :) And I like ALL of your pictures TJ.
