Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 23rd

Yesterday, TJ and I spent the day at the office. TJ had a busy day covering all the subjects and some extra work as well. He had problems with motivation but he did get stuff done. He even helped with the filing which helps him improve his alphabetizing and organizational skills. He also learned how to use the copier.

Today was kind of an off day. TJ was suppose to go on a hike but the weather up Calumet way was even worse than the weather here. Therefore the hike was canceled. We did multiplication and spelling drills in the van, viewed the fall leaves and TJ read the rest of Esio Trot. Then we came back home and worked on Geography and TJ did math games on the computer. For Geography, TJ's started the Highlights' Which Way USA? program which uses a series of puzzle books and maps to explore each state in our union. The first puzzle book is Alabama. Each booklet should take about 2 weeks to complete.

Tomorrow should be a nice day for TJ with a Sibilius Festival concert at the Calumet Theater. There was suppose to be a science fieldtrip to the woods tomorrow but it's been canceled due to the forecasted bad weather but will be rescheduled for a later date. We've tentatively scheduled a trip to Somero's farm to go through their corn maze (supposed to be a 3 or 4 acre maze/scavenger hunt) for Tuesday with another homeschooling family (Max/Margo) and next Thursday swimming starts at Finlandia.

This week has been crazy. My joints hurt like heck - If they don't improve quickly I'm going to have to go see the doctor about steroids. :( I keep pushing, trying to get over the fatigue and pain but I've been absolutely miserable for the last 4 days or so. Trevor's been really busy and sounds like it will continue for the foreseeable future. Joe's in trouble because his grades are slipping again due to lack of effort/doing homework and Jessica has been a bit of a nuisance of late with getting into things and making messes! But at the same time, homeschooling has went well and my new job seems to be going well even if typing is hurting like heck! I enjoy the articles I'm writing, it's less hassle than my other job was and it pays better... so I can't complain too much.

Anyhow - that's it for now...


  1. You guys are incredibly busy! Keep up the good work TJ. Work hard Jessica, I know you like your teacher this year. And Joe, "YES, YOU CAN!"
    Take care mom.......

  2. Val... you are Wonder Woman! (without an invisible plane or lasso of truth, unfortunately) I am always amazed at all you are doing. Is the change in weather causing Lupus flare-ups? Hopefully you feel better soon. Glad to hear about your new job, too.
    Joe, Joe, Joe.... did he sign an "I will keep up with my end of the bargain" agreement? Could he possibly get into the online school for the 2nd semester? What are your plans for him?
