Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sept 21st

Yesterday we didn't get around to updating our blog as we spent a good portion of the day running errands and another portion doing science experiments. TJ's starting to learn about plant and animal cells and how to classify plants and animals. So we collected plant samples, prepared slides and used the microscope to identify the cell wall and other plant structures. TJ had a lot of fun with it. Math and history were done on the road. Math with flash cards and Mom quizzing, history with Brain Quest cards on America. We also got some math in at the store.

Today we're catching up on "book work". TJ's done math drills, general math, spelling, science and are working on geography and history as I type. We haven't done much with Japanese yesterday or today but tomorrow we'll spend a bit of time on it. Aunt Holly's friend Hiromi has offered to be an online pen pal for TJ to give him someone to ask questions. We haven't gotten to email her yet - just been too crazy.

Later this week - Thur. Park/Hike with homeschool group?
Friday - 9am Sibelius Festival Concert at the Calumet Theater with the homeschool group.
Friday(also) - 1:30pm Science fieldtrip to the Lake Linden School Forest for plant/tree identification with homeschool group (led by a MTU grad-student)

Weekly swimming starts on the 30th of September.

On other news - Jessica seems to be doing well in school. I still think they are working below her level but it is much higher than last year's work was. She also seems to be doing well overall and is happy to go to school each morning. Joe.... is being Joe. His grades would be great but he lost the syllabus that I had to sign for science, starting him out with a zero in that class and is struggling in math. So right now his grades read: A, A, B, D+, D+ (other classes aren't reporting grades yet). We're staying on him about it and those grades will hopefully start coming up.

Trevor's been busy with meetings and "Honey Do's". He trimmed up the bushes from in front of the house and is going to be working on painting the trim before winter sets in. I've gotten another online job and it's one that may actually be steady enough for us to start paying down some of our debts and putting some money away... or at least one can dream!

So all in all - it's been a very busy last few days and will likely only get busier as time marches on!

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